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What is catnip and how do I use it?

Call it cat weed, cat mint, or catnip, it’s the stuff that makes cats wacky. As with any herb, freshness matters. Catnip is an herb in the mint family. It’s safe and natural. Catnip works in both dried and fresh forms. All you have to do is put catni

What does catnip do to a cat?

The active ingredient in catnip, Nepetalactone, is a stimulant when sniffed by a cat, producing a "high" and hallucinogenic effects. Essentially, catnip will make your feline FLIP!

My cat doesn't seem to respond to catnip

70-75% of cats inherit a “catnip gene” which makes them responsive to and crave catnip. Kittens and cats younger than six months may not respond to catnip - so wait a few months before buying little Mr. Catrick Swayze his first bag of 'nip.

Are there any catnip alternatives?

Yes! For the felines not intrigued by catnip, try a blend of catnip and valerian root such as our Kalico Kush, or a blend of catnip and silvervine, which you can find in a bottle of our Purrple Passion. Both valerian root and silvervine act in a way

Is there marijuana or CBD in your products?

No, there is no THC, CBD, or hemp in any of our products.

Lavender and Peppermint in Blends

The peppermint and lavender that we use in our blends is only in dried form and is used in very minimal amounts. It is the concentrated essential oil or the herbs in large doses that can be toxic to cats. There are many herbs and other substances tha